Generates PDFs from any printable document, including DOC, XLS, HTML, JPEG, and others. Works as a virtual printer. Allows to compress large images, as well as merge small images when creating a PDF, add watermarks to generated files and password-protect them. Sets such PDF file information as Author, Title, Subject, etc., supports embedded fonts, and many more.
The Foxit PDF Creator is the Foxit's people standard for pdf (portable document format) creation. As you might guees form its name, this tool is intended to provide your PC with the ability of PDF documents creation from almost any other application that can print. How is this? This is because it works as a printer – a virtual one in fact - listed on your system, so when you want to create a PDF file from a document you have created on other regular application such as, say, Microsoft Word, you just send it to print by this particular printer.
A very interesting feature included in this PDF creation tool, in contrast with other freeware alike, is that this one supports what is called “font embedding”. What is that and what do you want it for? Give me a few seconds to explain. When you create a PDF document you can use the font types you like but you're never sure if the recepient of your work will see it the same way because it depends on the availability of used fonts on recepient's PC system. With the font embedding feature this isn't a problem anymore because the fonts required to display the document correctly are saved into the same file together with the document itself.
With respect to languages is not much what you can expect. Only english supported.
All you're gonna see working with Foxit PDF Creator is a four tab window accesible from the virtual printer's properties. This window offer to you some setting features organized in the following tabs:
General Tab: here you set the location for the file, overwrite behavior and the display after convertion option. Also you set the resolution for images included in the document.
Layout Tab: in this tab you control the behavior of some dialogue windows such as Save As... and PDF Configuration.
Fonts Tab: here is where the font embedding feature is set to work. Choose from “Embed all fonts” to “Don't embed any font” passing by other intermediate options. You even can choose which fonts to embed one by one.
About Tab: with developer information.
This is the best option to create PDF in a simple and easy manner if you have the Foxit PDF Editor as your preferred PDF edition tool. If that's not the case, maybe you wanna look up for other options.
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